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Research and Evaluation

Through our consultancy we offer a range of research services, from policy reviews, programme evaluations and global scoping exercises to co-ordinating and training multi-country research teams. 

We specialise in providing technical advice on research ethics and Participatory Action Research methods, including co-production of research with children and young people to make sure the voice of the child is the driving force in all of our work. We have considerable experience in co-ordinating and training national research teams and work with leading academics and research institutes to ensure our research meets international standards on quality and ethics. 

Our evaluation work includes acting as external evaluators for projects or programmes supporting exploited children as well as developing numerous toolkits for practitioners.  We are experienced in participatory evaluation techniques and evaluating projects’ impact. 


Below are examples of some of our work: 

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Multi-country research on sexual exploitation of boys: Developed research and ethical protocols, delivered training to researcher teams and co-authored a synthesis research report for research in India, Nepal, Cambodia and the Philippines for Family for Every Child (2018-2019).

Co-produced research with reintegrated children: Developed research toolkit, trained youth and adult researchers and wrote a synthesis research report for research with sexually exploited children in Nepal, Madagascar and Uganda. ECPAT France & Family for Every Child (2017-2019).

Research on options for girls and young women leaving domestic work: Undertook a scoping review of the literature in a consultancy with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2019).

Global child labour practice report: Held group discussions and interviews with children and field staff in a range of contexts and undertook an extensive desk review. Author of the report ‘Work In Progress: Effective Approaches Against Child Labour’. World Vision UK (2015).

Research on childhood resilience in Nepal: Led a two year research project working in collaboration with a local NGO, CWISH on resilience of child domestic workers to sexual exploitation. Part of a multi-country research initiative on resilience developed by the Oak Foundation's Prevent Child Sexual Abuse programme. (2014)


Toolkit on impact evaluation: Produced a toolkit for in-country staff to gather evidence on external outcomes achieved as a result of young people’s involvement in decision-making processes, community development or leading social action. World Vision UK (2016).

Participatory advocacy with child domestic workers: Delivered capacity building workshops on participatory advocacy for local partner staff in Tanzania and Costa Rica and evaluated participatory advocacy of partners based in six countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Anti-Slavery International (2011-2013).

Independent evaluations of local child labour prevention projects: Led impact evaluations with civil society and community-based  organisations, including on the reintegration of child domestic workers in Nepal (2015); ending hazardous child work in cocoa farming, Ghana (2015); child labour prevention in fish processing and shoe manufacture, Bangladesh (2015); support for street and working children in Delhi (India), 2015.


Freedom at a Price: Caring for Boys Affected by Sexual Violence.  A synthesis of primary research in Cambodia, India, Nepal and the Philippines. Family for Every Child

Work in Progress: Effective Approaches Against Child Labour World Vision UK

Listen to Us: Participation of Child Domestic Workers in Advocacy  Anti-Slavery International

Resilience in Child Domestic Workers, Nepal Children Unite and CWISH

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